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Fasteners & Fastening Equipment

Automotive lighting, Motor vehicle, Hood, Car, Blue, Azure, Liquid, Fluid

In most assemblies that are joined with threaded fasteners, the cost of the fasteners is not as important as the cost of installing them. That makes choosing the right fastening tool of paramount importance. Pneumatic tools are inexpensive, but DC electric tools offer more control and precision. Cordless tools enable assemblers to access fasteners in confined spaces, but they’ll need a steady supply of fully charged batteries. Do you need torque control, angle control or both? Is it a hard joint or a soft joint? Is it an ordinary rundown or a “safety-critical” joint? Could the materials crack or strip if the fastening parameters are insufficiently controlled? Do the fasteners need to be installed in a particular sequence? Is data collection and analysis important? Is ergonomics a concern? If production volumes are high enough, you might be able to justify an automatic screwfeeding system or even a screwdriving robot. In this section, you’ll find information to help you make that choice.

To find all suppliers of Fasteners & Fastening Equipment, click one of the sections below.

Power/Hand Tools & Accessories

Fasteners & Precision Formed Parts

Presses, Seal &
O-Ring Installation Machines

Image courtesy TerryJ, iStock / Getty Images Plus



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