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Motion Control

Sankyo Automation has been a worldwide leader in cam-driven indexing technology and continues to devel­op new and innovative technology in motion control.

The high quality of Sankyo products is a direct result of innovative design, strict process control and a continu­al effort to strive for improvement. These attitudes and technology are managed from our 30,000 square foot manufacturing facility located near Sidney, OH. This location serves as the sales, ser­vice and manufacturing base for our products. We supply product for markets throughout North America and Europe, as well as Central and South America.

Our parent company Sankyo Seisakusho Co. of Japan is the world leader in precision cam and cam driven devices. They continue to provide innovation and research, so Sankyo Automation can thrive in a vast ev­er-changing technological industry.

Sankyo Automation is committed to de­veloping new values by providing our customers with manufacturing solutions capable of meeting the rapidly changing market.

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