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Robots & Robot Accessories

Motor vehicle, Automotive design

Robots are less expensive and easier to use than ever. The technology is well within the reach of even small and midsized manufacturers. According to the International Federation of Robotics, there are 285 robots for every 10,000 manufacturing workers in the U.S. That’s more than twice the global average. The advent of collaborative robots will only increase that trend. Robots are capable of things today that could have been unimaginable 20 years ago. For example, Ford Motor Co. has equipped a six-axis robot with force control and artificial intelligence so it can assemble automotive transmissions. Assembling gears and other parts that mesh together is difficult for a person to do, much less a typical robot, which does not have a sense of sight or touch. And yet now, thanks to AI, the robot learns from previous attempts how to wiggle the pieces into place most efficiently. With the AI-enabled robot, Ford improved cycle time by 15 percent and changeover time by 50 percent. In this section, you’ll find info on the latest robots, grippers and tool changers.

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Photo courtesy Alfa Romeo



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