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Workstations, Seating, Work Lighting & Accessories

Automotive design, Building, Eyewear

Manual assembly remains the most popular way to put together a product. Indeed, according to ASSEMBLY magazine’s annual Capital Equipment Spending Survey, 87 percent of factories employ at least some manual operations to assemble their products. That figure has remained constant for the past 25 years, and it’s not all that surprising. After all, people are the most flexible assembly machines—just ask Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk! Designing, equipping and managing a largely manual assembly process requires a different skillset than a highly automated one. The goal is to create workstations that minimize wasted motion or needless effort. Excessive twists or turns, uncomfortable reaches or pickups, and unnecessary walking all contribute to wasted motion. Tools, parts and other items needed to accomplish a task should be within easy reach. Work instructions and displays should be presented so technicians can easily see them. If your operation is mostly manual, the suppliers in this section can help you create a more efficient, flexible and ergonomic workplace.

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Image courtesy aydinmutlu, E+

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